1) ... a supermarket on Green Street a) There is b) There are 2) ... five bookshops in my town. a) There is... b) There are... 3) ... a post office in my neighbourhood. a) There is b) There are 4) ... three banks in my town. a) There is b) There are 5) ... a museum in the city center. a) There is b) There are 6) ... a square in my neighbourhood.. a) There is b) There are 7) ... two good swimming pools in my town. a) There is b) There are 8) ... a big church near my house. a) There is  b) There are 9) ... three great cafés in my neighbourhood. a) There is b) There are 10) ... two big cinemas in the town. a) There is b) There are 11) ... one theatre in my city. a) There is b) There are 12) ... one big shopping Centre in my town. a) There are b) There is

There is / There are Town


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