Covalent compound molecular formula examples - SO3, SiO3, BF3, Ionic compound molecular formula examples - NaBr, MgBr2, Li2S, Covalent compound examples - dinitrogen monoxide, dihydrogen monoxide, iodine heptaflouride, Ionic compound examples - potassium iodide, calcium chloride, copper sulfide, Polar covalent - a type of bond that forms when electrons are not shared equally, Non-polar covalent  - a type of bond that forms when electrons are shared equally, Hydrogen bond properties - form between molecules, causes surface tension, reason ice floats, Metal properties - good conductors, some are magnetic, strong absorbers and reflectors of light, malleable and ductile, Ionic bond properties - forms crystal lattice structure, good conductors of electricity, high melting and boiling points, soluble in water, Covalent bond properties - weaker, low melting and boiling points, typically not soluble , Covalent bond electron interaction - sharing of electrons, no charge, Ionic bond electron interaction - Transferring of electrons, creates a charge, Two nonmetals - Types of atoms that create covalent bonds, Metal and a nonmetal  - Types of atoms that create ionic bonds, Hydrogen and Helium - Exception(s) to the octet rule, Group 18, noble gases - Do not bond with other atoms, Structural formula - consists of symbols connected by lines to represent bonds, Chemical/Molecular formula - Uses chemical symbols and subscripts, Space filling model - a 3D representation of a molecule using partial spheres, Ball and stick - Molecular structure is represented by spheres and rods,


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