1) _________ is a three dimensonal model of earth a) map b) globe c) plan 2) i show the boundaries of continent states and capital a) physical map b) thematic map c) political map 3) i show large area in detail a) small scale map b) large sclae map c) none of the above 4) the ratio between the map distance and ground distance is known as a) map distance b) scale of map c) ground distance 5) distance shown on straight line a) graphic scale b) statement scale c) representative fraction 6) north east , south west and south east are a) cardinal direction b) intermidiate direction c) direction 7) the origin of the river is called a) mouth b) delta c) source 8) meander and ox bow lake are formed in a) upper course b) middle course c) lower course 9) stretching of rocks create a) folds b) tension c) compression 10) when a block forms on earths crust between two parallel faults are called a) lifted b) sloped c) block

geography grade 6


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