1) ‘While it’s true that wind turbines produce clean energy, they remain unreliable sources of power generation.' a) acknowledging the opposing argument / rebuttal b) inclusive language c) informal style / colloquial language d) hyperbole / exaggeration 2) 'My foster brother was only five when his father walked out on the family.' a) repetition b) call to action c) anecdote d) positive connotation 3) ‘Common sense should tell you that it’s clearly not right that a man makes more money than a woman doing the same job.’ a) appeal to fairness b) rhetorical question c) appeal to nationalism d) positive connotation 4) 'Without increased funding for the police force, soon it won’t be safe to walk our streets at night.' a) appeal to fear b) appeal to nationalism c) appeal to fairness d) personal attack 5) “Expressing concerns about unsafe workplace conditions should never cost a person their job.” a) informal style / colloquial language b) personal attack c) imagery d) appeal to justice 6) “Conservatives are fighting to preserve the Australian way of life that we all enjoy.” a) appeal to nationalism b) appeal to empathy / sympathy c) repetition d) hyperbole 7) “Brianna was only a nine year old CHILD when she was MURDERED by a school shooter.” a) appeal to empathy / sympathy b) personal attack c) hyperbole / exaggeration d) call to action 8) ‘Billionaire Elon Musk is ego driven, unpredictable and known to bend the truth’. a) expert opinion b) appeal to fear c) positive connotations d) personal attack 9) ‘Make your community a safer place to live for yourself and your children by voting to ban automatic weapons!’ a) informal style / colloquial language b) call to action c) personal attack d) expert opinion 10) 'The horse racing industry BRUTALISES horses for gambling profits.' a) negative connotation b) personal attack c) offering a solution d) positive connotation 11) 'Kate Middleton's POISE and CHARM ENCHANTED the crowd.' a) appeal to empathy / sympathy b) rhetorical question c) acknowledging the opposing argument / rebuttal d) positive connotations 12) 'THIRTY FIVE PERCENT of children suffer from life threatening diseases' a) appeal to fairness b) rhetorical question c) juxtaposition (comparison / contrast) d) evidence / use of fact / statistics 13) ‘Richard Whitehouse, director of Zurich zoo, disagrees with the claim that zoos make unsuitable habitats.’ a) repetition b) inclusive language c) expert opinion d) appeal to fairness 14) ‘The families SITTING ON A TON OF MONEY don’t need government handouts.’ a) appeal to empathy / sympathy b) hypothetical c) hyperbole / exaggeration d) offering a solution 15) ‘A giant explosion ripped across the Crimean Bridge, which was soon engulfed in towering flames and black smoke.’ a) imagery b) appeal to fairness c) expert opinion d) appeal to justice 16) ‘Imagine that you were born with a disability…’ a) hypothetical b) personal attack c) evidence / use of fact / statistics d) anecdote 17) ‘We can beat this disease together!’ a) anecdote b) appeal to nationalism c) inclusive language d) appeal to fear 18) ‘The foreign minister actually wants us to believe that going to war will help to bring peace. PULL THE OTHER ONE, MATE! a) use of statistics b) repetition c) informal style / colloquial language d) appeal to empathy / sympathy 19) ‘If boys are more capable leaders, why is it that girls regularly outperform them in both public speaking and volunteering?’ a) appeal to nationalism b) negative connotation c) juxtaposition (comparison / contrast) d) hyperbole / exaggeration 20) ‘How about we offer refugees free training in much needed jobs…’ a) shock tactic b) personal attack c) offering a solution d) repetition 21) ‘THE BEST choice for student outcomes, THE BEST choice for teacher retention, and THE BEST value for money for schools' a) imagery b) appeal to empathy / sympathy c) repetition d) personal attack 22) ‘Should schools allow this kind of dangerous behaviour to continue?’ a) rhetorical question b) evidence / use of fact / statistics c) hypothetical d) informal style / colloquial language

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