1) Antarctica ... Australia. a) is bigger than b) isn't bigger than 2) Mars ... from the Sun than Earth. a) is further b) is farther c) isn't further d) isn't farther 3) Tigers ... cheetahs. a) is smaller than b) are smaller than c) is larger than d) are larger than 4) Mount Fuji ... Mount Kilimanjaro. a) is the highest than b) is higher than c) isn't higher than d) isn't the highest than 5) The North Pole ... the South Pole. a) is colder than b) is not colder than c) is as cold as 6) London ... Rome. a) is rainy than b) is rainyer than c) is rainier than d) is rainir than 7) Beijing ... Tokyo. a) is more polluted than b) is polluteder than c) is less polluted than d) is not polluteder than 8) Gold ... Silver. a) is not more expensive than b) is expensiver than c) is not expensiver than d) is more expensive than 9) Slovakia ... Czechia. a) is smaller than b) is bigger than 10) Sahara Desert ... Gobi Desert. a) is drier than b) is not drier than c) is dryer than d) is not dryer than


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