1) What's the past of "Break"? a) Breaked b) Broke c) Breek 2) What's the past of "Be"? a) Was/Were b) Bed c) Went 3) What's the past of "Drive"? a) Drived b) Driven c) Drove 4) What's the past of "Go"? a) Was/Were b) Went c) Goed 5) What's the past of "Get"? a) Got b) Getted c) Gotted 6) What's the past of "Leave"? a) Leaved b) Left c) Lefted 7) What's the past of "Can"? a) Could b) Canned c) Caught 8) What's the past of "Start"? a) Started b) Stert c) Sturted 9) What's the past of "Find"? a) Finded b) Found c) Founded 10) What's the past of "Have"? a) Had b) Haved c) Having 11) What's the past of "See"? a) Seed b) Sawed c) Saw 12) What's the past of "Buy"? a) Bought b) Buyed c) Booth 13) What's the past of "Spend"? a) Spended b) Spinned c) Spent 14) What's the past of "Want"? a) Went b) Wanted c) Was/Were 15) What's the past of "Eat"? a) Eated b) Ate c) Ated


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