1) This is _______ book. a) Peters' b) Peter's 2) The _______ room is upstairs. a) childrens' b) children's 3) ________ sister is 12 years old. a) John's b) Johns' 4) _________________ school is old. a) Susan's and Steve's b) Susan and Steve's 5) _____ shoes are on the second floor. a) Men's b) Mens' 6) Whose pens are these? a) They are mine. b) They pens are mine. c) The canetas are mine. d) They are my pens. 7) It is my computer. a) Is this your computer? b) Whose computer is it? c) Whose it computer is? d) Whose is this computer? 8) No, it is not. a) Are they Marcos' contract? b) Whose contract is it? c) Whose Marcos' contract is it? d) Is this Marcos' contract?

Possessive case\Whose


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