1) Milk is good ... it has lots of calcium a) because b) so 2) You should eat more fruit ... it is good for your health  a) because b) so 3) I drink lots of milk ... I want to have strong bones. a) because b) so 4) There is lots of salt in crisps ... you shouldn't eat them every day. a) because b) so 5) Doing sport makes you feel strong ... try doing some regularly  a) because b) so 6) Kate has an earache ... she needs to see the doctor.  a) because b) so 7) Kate has a stomachache ... she ate lots of cakes yesterday. a) because b) so 8) Ann didn't go to school ... she broke her leg. a) because b) so 9) Henry had a headache ... he took some medicine. a) because b) so 10) Jenny is tired after school ... she has some rest at home a) because b) so 11) I'm always hungry ... I play a lot of sport. a) because b) so 12) I play a lot of sport ... I'm always hungry a) because b) so 13) Mum wants to do the shopping ... she wants to know what food you like. a) because b) so 14) I usually have milk and cereal for breakfast ... it's quick and easy. a) because b) so 15) I also drink apple juice ... it's my favourite. a) because b) so 16) We can go to the beach on Saturday ... let's take a picnic lunch. a) because b) so 17) I like to have nuggets and chips for dinner ... my Mum often makes it. a) because b) so 18) Today we have spaghetti for dinner ... there aren't any nuggets in the fridge. a) because b) so

2.6 EXTRA so/because


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