U potvrdnom obliku pravilni glagoli dobijaju -(E)D nastavak. - Regular verbs get -(E)D ending to make the affirmative form. , Upitan oblik koristi pomoćni glagol DID + INFINITIV. - Auxiliary DID + INFIITIVE are used to make questions., Ako je NOT izmedju DID i INFINITIVA, to je odričan oblik. - If NOT is between DID and INFINITIVE, this is the negative form., YESTERDAY, LAST night, two days AGO su odredbe za vreme. - YESTERDAY, LAST night, two days AGO are adverbials of time., Glagol TO BE ne koristi DID za pitanja i odrične oblike. - The verb TO BE doesn't use DID for its questions and negative forms., U prošlom vremenu TO BE ima oblike WAS i WERE. - The Past Tense forms of TO BE are WAS /WERE., WAS se koristi za 1. i 3. lice jednine. - WAS is used for the first and third person singular., WERE se koristi za 2 lice jednine i za množinu. - WERE is used for the second person singular and for plural forms., Za pitanja sa TO BE, koristi se INVERZIJA. - To make questions with TO BE, we apply INVERSION., INVERZIJA znači da je red reči promenjen, tj. glagol je ispred subjekta. - INVERSION means a different word order, the verb comes before the subject. , Odričan oblik TO BE zahteva NOT iza WAS/WERE. - For the negative form TO BE, NOT is behind WAS/WERE.,



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