1) Individual that can strategically identify products or services needed by the community. Those having the capacity to recognize and assess opportunities. a) Business owner b) Entrepreneur c) CEO d) Competitors 2) What is PECs? a) Personal Entrepreneur competition b) Personal entrepreneurial competencies c) Personal entrepreneurial competitors d) Professional entrepreneurial commodities 3) Being active in finding openings in the environment which can be used in different ways to start a business, to create a new product or improve business operations. a) Opportunity seeker b) Goal-oriented c) Hardworking d) Risk taker 4) Doing something consistently against the opinions of others who claim you will fail or are wasting your time and effort. a) Self confidence b) Hardworking c) Persistence d) Self efficiency 5) Taking full responsibility and having the job done efficiently to create a delighted customer and striving to keep customers satisfied. a) Commitment b) Goal-oriented c) Persistence d) Risk taking 6) Placing self in situations involving a challenge or moderate risk. Taking the risk of doing something that is uncomfortable for you. a) Hardworking b) Information seeker c) Commitment d) Risk taking 7) Planning every action and carefully making decisions. Setting measurable short-term objectives. a) Self confidence b) Hardworking c) Opportunity seeker d) Goal-oriented 8) Gathering information from relevant resources, which is critical to the formulation of different business strategies. a) Information Seeking b) Opportunity seeker c) Persistence d) Self confidence 9) Trusting his own skills and embracing his own imperfections. Completing any task or activity easier because of self awareness and faith in personal abilities. a) Information Seeking b) Opportunity seeker c) Persistence d) Self confidence 10) Habitually working with diligently for a long period of time, keep on improving their performance to produce good products and provide good services. a) Opportunity seeker b) Commitment c) Hardworking d) Goal-oriented

EXPTLE-PECs001 PECs Dimensions and characteristics of PECs


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