Photosynthesis - What is this process called?, Cellular Respiration - The energy making process of ALL living organisms., Mitochondria - Cellular respiration takes place in this organelle, Chloroplast - Organelle that traps sunlight for the food making process of plants., Oxygen and Glucose - Reactants of cellular respiration, Water, Energy, Carbon Dioxide - Reactants of photosynthesis and products of cellular respiration., Autotrophs - Organisms that carry out photosynthesis, Autotrophs and Heterotrophs - Organisms that carry out cellular respiration, Opposites - Cellular respiration and Photosynthesis can be viewed as ______ of each other., Glucose - The sugar that is broken down in the process of cellular respiration to make energy for the cell?, Carbon Dioxide - CO2 is the chemical formula for, Oxygen - O2 is the chemical formula for , Sunlight - The energy source in photosynthesis, 6CO2 + 6H2O + SUN → C6H12O6 + 6O2 - Formula for Photosynthesis, C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O+ ATP - Formula for Cellular Respiration,

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