1) Tom and Kate like vegetables, ... a) don't they? b) do they? c) does he? d) doesn't he? 2) The little girl doesn't live in this house, ... a) is she? b) is he? c) does she? d) does he? 3) The Little Pigs' house isn't new, ... a) is he? b) doesn't he? c) does it? d) is it? 4) You can see its eyes, ... a) can't you? b) can you? c) don't you? d) do you? 5) Hippos can't swim, ... a) can they? b) can't they? c) do they? d) don't they? 6) You like it, ... a) do you? b) don't you? c) are you? d) aren't you? 7) Bob studies every day, ... a) doesn't he? b) does he? c) didn't he? d) did he? 8) You will clean the table, ... a) don't you? b) won't you? c) will you? d) do you? 9) Julie often hangs out with friends ... a) doesn't he? b) does she? c) didn't she? d) doesn't she? 10) Tom always cooks tomato soup, ... a) doesn't he? b) does he? c) didn't she? d) doesn't she? 11) She isn't afraid of flying, ... a) is she? b) isn't she? c) does she? d) doesn't she? 12) Let's have a picnic, ... a) shall, we? b) do we? c) don't we? d) are we? 13) I'm good at sailing, ... a) am I? b) am I not? c) aren't I? d) do I? 14) I'm not late, ... a) aren't I b) do I? c) am I not? d) am I? 15) Charlie has got the Golden Ticket, ... a) has he? b) hasn't he? c) does he? d) doesn't he? 16) Be quiet, ... a) will you? b) are you? c) aren't you? d) won't you? 17) He is always shouting, ... a) doesn't he? b) does he? c) is he? d) isn't he?

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