Demography - the study of the size, makeup and location of human populations., Census - A survey sent out by a country to it's population to find out demographic information, Population Distribution - the spread of people in an area, Baby Boom - A time where more babies are born., Population Indicator - a measurable characteristic of a population (like birth rate), Uniform distribution - people are spread out evenly in a space, Random distribution - people are spread out unevenly in a space, Clumped distribution - people are spread in clusters that are spaced apart., Choropleth map - uses colour to show information on a map., Birth rate - number of babies born per 1000 people, Death rate - number of deaths per 1000 people, Immigration rate - number of people moving into a place per 1000 people, Emigration rate - number of people moving out of a place per 1000 people, Natural Increase Rate - Birth rate- Death Rate, Net Migration Rate - Immigration rate-Emigration rate, Population Growth Rate - Natural increase rate + Net Migration rate, Population Density - number of people per km2,


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