one tenth - 0.1, one and six tenths - 1.6, 3 tenths - 0.3, eight tenths - 0.8, 7 tenths and 5 hundredths - 0.75, three ones and 5 tenths - 3.5, four tenths - 0.4, 7 tenths and 5 hundredths - 0.75, three and 8 tenths - 3.8, 9 tenths - 0.9, five tenths - 0.5, 0.13 - one tenth and 3 hundreths, 1.7 - one and eight tenths, 0.5 - five tenths, 7 tenths and 4 hundredths - 0.74, seven tenths and five hundredths - 0.75,


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