1-The ____ on the near side isn’t working. 2-She glanced at herself in the ____. 3-Do you mind if I open the ____ of this car? 4-The police found his body in the ____ of a car. 5-I will also make sure that my ____ are operating properly. 6-A nail pierced the ____ of his car. 7-Now I lock my car ____ when I drive through town. 8-Along with a new wheel design, new ____ were introduced. 9-Please fill up the ____. 10-It is dangerous to drive with a dirty ____ . 11-I’ll need to check under the ____. 12-The stone made a dent in the ____ of my car. 13-We use ____ when turning or changing lanes. 14-She started the car with a jerk and hit the ____ of the car in front. 15-My hand groped for the ____. 16-She glanced in the ____ and saw the headlight of the traffic behind her. 17-The ____ kept noisily slapping the body of the car. 18-Did anyone see the car’s ____?


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