1) it has one end point a) line b) parallel lines c) ray d) perpendicular lines 2) it indicates a position in space a) ray b) point c) perpendicular lines d) intersecting lines 3) it extends indefinitely in both directions a) line b) line segment c) plane d) point 4) it is a part of a line with two end points a) line segment b) intersecting lines c) ray d) parallel lines 5) it is flat surface. it extends infinitely in all directions a) parallel lines b) perpendicular lines c) intersecting lines d) plane 6) they never meet a) ray b) line c) parallel lines d) plane 7) they meet at a point making a 90 angle a) perpendicular lines b) intersecting lines c) parallel lines d) line segment 8) they meet only at one point a) line segment b) ray c) intersecting lines d) line

квиз of ray line geometry


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