1) fond ... a) in b) at c) about d) of e) on 2) interested ... a) about b) in c) of d) on e) at 3) mad ... a) at b) on c) of d) about e) in 4) good ... a) on b) about c) at d) in e) of 5) keen ... a) on b) of c) at d) in e) about 6) What's his favourite pastime? He's ... of painting. a) mad b) good c) fond d) interested e) keen 7) I'm ... on windsurfing. a) keen b) mad c) interested d) fond e) good 8) Can you play football? No, I'm not ... at it. a) mad b) good c) fond d) interested e) keen 9) I'm really ... about photography! a) interested b) keen c) mad d) fond e) good 10) Can you swim? Oh, no. I'm really ... at it. a) keen b) good c) fond d) bad e) mad


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