Verdadero: In this picture the banana is third:, In this picture the cherry is second:, In this picture the strawberry is ninth:, In this picture Batman is seventh:, In this picture Spiderman is third:, In this picture Thor is fifth:, In this picture the elephant is twelfth:, In this picture the bear is eleventh:, In this picture the monkey is eighth:, In this picture March is third:, In this picture August is eighth:, In this picture the starfish is first:, In this picture the sea turtle is sixteenth:, Falso: In this picture the banana is fifth:, In this picture the cherry is third:, In this picture the strwberry is first:, In this picture Batman is first, In this picture Spiderman is tenth, In this picture Thor is third:, In this picture the monkey is twelfth:, In this picture the zebra is twelfth:, In this picture the tiger is eight, In this picture June is third:, In this picture May is first, In this picture the crab is first:, In this picture the sea turtle is tenth, In this picture the shark is fourth,

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