1) How... sugar does she need? a) Much b) Many c) The d) An e) A f) No 2) I like... (play) soccer a) plays b) play c) playing d) playes e) played f) playss 3) The chef.... the potatoes in oil in a pan a) grills b) chops c) roats d) bring e) fries f) eat 4) She ... (buy) a new car yesterday. a) buy b) bought c) buys d) buying e) buyes f) buyed 5) ..... are a popular way to raise money for school and clubs because lots of people lave cakes, cookie, muffins, pies and biscuit. a) Bake sale b) craft fair c) Talen shows d) Garage sales e) Car wash f) Plant 6) Last month, we.... a lot of trees in the school yard. a) Collected b) Raised c) Donated d) Planted e) Cleaned f) Picked 7) I like mixing.... fruit with yoghurt to have a nice a) a b) many c) much d) some e) an f) any 8) How much pasta would you like? a) a lot b) just a few c) just a little d) much e) many f) any 9) ....... we have a car wash? a) Why don't b) How about c) What about d) Let's e) Why f) How 10) Do you need the scissors to open the...... of bananas?  a) can b) carton c) glass d) bag e) stick f) bunch


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