1) Was Tom in London last summer? a) Yes, he was b) No, he wasn´t 2) Was Susan in Paris last summer? a) Yes, she was b) No, she wasn´t 3) Were the children on the beach last summer? a) Yes, they were b) No, they weren´t 4) Was Mary on the beach last weekend? a) Yes, she was b) No, she wasn´t 5) Was Mark in the sea last weekend? a) Yes, he was b) No, he wasn´t 6) Were the children at home yesterday? a) Yes, they were b) No, they weren´t 7) Was Susan in the office yesterday? a) Yes, she was b) No, she wasn´t 8) Was Ben at school yesterday? a) Yes, he was b) No, he wasn´t 9) Were YOU at school yesterday? a) Yes, I was b) No, I wasn´t 10) Were YOU at the beach last summer? a) Yes, I was b) No, I wasn´t


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