1) 1-Mark the correct alternative about the animals in the book Life of Pi. a) a) The hyena killed Richard Parker. b) b) There were a tiger, a zebra, a hyena, an orangutan and a lion in the boat. c) c) Orange juice was the zebra’s name. d) d) The zebra and the orangutan died. 2) 2- Mark the correct alternative about chapter 23. a) a) In this chapter, Pi realised that he could drink sea water because he liked the taste of salt. b) b) In this chapter, Pi realised that the hyena was very thirsty and that he had to give her some water. c) c) In this chapter, Pi realised that he was very thirsty and that he could find drinking water somewhere in the lifeboat. d) d) In this chapter, Pi realised that the crewmen threw some drinking water cans in the sea and he was looking for them. 3) 3- What is happening in this scene? a) a) Pi encontrou água e biscoitos no barco e ficou triste porque só havia água para dois dias e biscoitos para quatro. b) b) Assim que Pi encontrou água e biscoitos no barco, ele bebeu dois litros de água e comeu nove biscoitos em meia hora. c) c) Ao encontrar água e biscoitos no barco, Pi comemorou porque ele poderia dar água e comida pra hiena, zebra e para o tigre. d) d) Pi encontrou água e biscoitos no barco e no pacote de biscoitos dizia que o ideal era consumir vinte biscoitos em 24 horas. 4) 4- In chapters 27, 28 and 29, Pi thinks about how dangerous is being in a lifeboat with a tiger, so he makes plans to save his life. Which of these plans was the last and the one Pi decided to put into practice? a) a) Manter o tigre vivo e treiná-lo. b) b) Esperar o tigre morrer de fome e sede. c) c) Atacar o tigre com faca. d) d) Empurrar o tigre para fora do barco. 5) 5- Why is the tiger named Richard Parker? a) a) Porque era o nome de um grande treinador de tigres. b) b) Porque essa era o nome do pai do Pi. c) c) Porque o nome dele foi trocado acidentalmente com o nome do homem que o enviou ao zoológico. d) d) Porque o nome dele foi uma junção de dois grandes admiradores do Pai do Pi. 6) 6. Mark the correct alternative to complete the sentences: "Pi __________(1) die when the tsimtsum sank but he __________(2) some injuries. He ___________(3) alone because he found some animals. a) a) 1. didn't / 2. had / 3. wasn't b) b) 1. did / 2. had / 3. was c) c) 1. not / 2. ate / 3. didn't d) d) 1. didn't / 2. went / 3. decided 7) 7. Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs: " a) a) knowed / is b) b) knew / was c) c) knowt / were d) d) knew / are 8) 8- What did James do yesterday? Mark the correct sentence according to the picture. a) a) He danced with his brother. b) b) He helped a blind person to cross the street. c) c) He went to the shopping center to buy new clothes. d) d) He took the airplane to his hometown. 9) 9- Mark one alternative with the best pictures to represent the following sentences: " Steven cooked a delicious cake for his mom. It was her birthday. Then, he called her to prove it. She ate the entire cake." a) a) b) b) c) c) d) d) 10) Ana Alice _______ soap opera with her parents on August 28. a) a) went b) b) watched c) c) played d) d) helped e) e) had 11) Yesterday, Manuela _______ her mother to tidy up the house and the garden. a) a) went b) b) watched c) c) played d) d) helped e) e) had 12) Maria Eduarda ________ breakfast with her parents yesterday. It was a lovely moment,. a) a) went b) b) watched c) c) played d) d) helped e) e) had 13) Mariana ________ to the dentist last week. a) a) went b) b) watched c) c) played d) d) helped e) e) had 14) José Neto _________ soccer with his brother last Saturday. a) a) went b) b) watched c) c) played d) d) helped e) e) had


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