1) Heavy traffic always ............... passengers up. (to delay; a delay that prevents something from happening) a) holds b) capture c) respected d) documentary 2) They showed a ................ on animal communication. (a film or television or radio programme that gives facts and information about a subject) a) features b) eager c) documentary d) fill 3) He's the ...............-life hero of this story. (what happens in human situations rather than in a story, film, etc.) a) a director b) eager c) gofer d) real 4) Your behaviour is ............... ! (too bad to be accepted, approved of, or allowed to continue) a) unacceptable b) real c) extraordinary d) touching 5) They tried to ................ me but they failed. (to say or do something to someone that is rude or offensive) a) capture b) holds c) insult d) fill 6) Those songs ................ the romantic mood of the movie. (to record something or take a picture of something using a camera) a) capture b) features c) insult d) a director 7) It's ................ to watch something positive on TV for a change. (causing feelings of pleasure and happiness) a) heart-warming b) features c) fill d) gofer 8) He told us an ................ story of his escape. (very unusual, special, unexpected, or strange) a) touching b) fill c) extraordinary d) holds 9) I can ............... to the problems in the TV series. (to understand a situation or someone's feelings because you have experienced something similar) a) real b) relate c) touching d) features 10) This is a really ............... scene. (making you feel sadness and sympathy) a) touching b) superiors c) documentary d) heart-warming 11) Some TV presenters are well-............... by their colleagues in the film industry. (greatly respected) a) respected b) real c) extraordinary d) heart-warming 12) It is a ............... and compelling soap opera. (continuing for a long time) a) lengthy b) documentary c) touching d) superiors 13) I've worked my way up from a ............... to a staff reporter in five years. (someone whose job is to be sent to get and carry things such as messages, drinks, etc. for other people) a) gofer b) capture c) lengthy d) relate 14) I will pass your complaint on to my ............... . (a group of people who are higher in rank or position than others) a) fill b) touching c) relate d) superiors 15) She will ............... in for him while he's at the conference. (to do someone else's work for them because they cannot or will not do it themselves) a) lengthy b) documentary c) unacceptable d) fill 16) They crowded around the spokesperson, ............... for any news. (willing; wanting very much to do or have something) a) touching b) insult c) eager d) documentary 17) Tonight’s program ................ some outstanding performers. (to show or advertise someone or something as the most important part)   a) capture b) superiors c) features d) respected 18) I have an interview with a film ................ tomorrow. (a person who is in charge of a film or play and tells the actors how to play their parts) a) director b) features c) eager d) holds

Pioneer B1+, Reading 7b (Reality TV series) - vocabulary


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