1) Qual país não tem a Língua Inglesa como língua oficial? a) U.S.A b) Canada c) South Africa d) England e) Germany f) New Zealand 2) A qual país pertence essa bandeira? a) England b) New Zealand c) South Africa d) Canada e) U.S.A f) Scotland 3) Como dizemos em inglês: Eu gostaria de viajar para o Japão no próximo ano. a) I should like to travel to Japan next month. b) I would like to go to Japan next year. c) I would like to travel to Japan next year. d) I could travel to Japan next moth. e) I can travel to Japan next month. f) I would like to travel to Japan tomorrow. 4) Como dizemos em Inglês: Se eu pudesse eu inventaria uma vacina para o coronavirus. a) If I could I would invent a coronavirus vaccine. b) If I can I would make up a coronavirus vaccine. c) If I sould I would invent a coronavirus vacine. d) If I could I should invent a coronavirus vaccine. e) If I can I would make up a coronavirus vaccine. f) If I could I might invent a coronavirus vaccine. 5) Verbos: Qual verbo está conjugado de forma ERRADA no simple past? a) to be - was, were b) to play- played c) to eat - ate d) to study - studyed e) to work - worked f) to drink - drank 6) Como dizemos: Cinco mil setecentos e quarenta e nove em inglês? 5749 a) Five hundred seven thousand forty-nine b) Five thousand seventy hundred forty-nine c) Five hundred seventy thousand fouteen-nine d) Fifty thousand seven hundred forty-nine e) Five thousand seven hundred forty-nine f) Fifty thousand seventy hundred fourteen-ninety 7) Encontre a única alternativa que possui uma palavra estranha ao restante do grupo. a) yellow, blue, red, green b) January, May, December, October c) eggs, meat, cheese, milk d) chair, table, pasta, sofa e) drums, keyboard, guitar, violin f) friday, monday, wednesday. saturday, 8) Who is Homer´s son? a) Herb b) Bart c) Lisa d) Maggie e) Marge f) Patty 9) What adjective is NOT related to a personality description?  a) talkative b) shy c) chumby d) funny e) generous f) bossy 10) What adjective is NOT related to a physical description? a) Tall b) Thin c) Blond d) bald e) bored f) brunette


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