loaf - Don't forget to buy a _____ of bread on your way home., carton - We keep milk or juice in a ______. It is made of cardboard., slice - He put a ______of bread in the toaster., bag - I ate a ________ of crisps and I still feel hungry., bar - I ate a ______ of chocolate and now I feel sick., bottle - We keep liquids, such as water or wine, in a _______. , glass - Add one _______ of milk and mix it all together., cup - I would like a ______ of coffee, please., bowl - Please put a _____ of sugar on the table., jar - We keep jam in a ________. , tin - We keep food like beans or tuna in a _______ and it is made of metal, can - You can find cold drinks in a _________. It is made of metal. , piece - He cut a big ______ of cake.,

Food containers and partitives


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