1) We stopped at a restaurant and asked _______ the condition of the roads. a) against b) at c) of d) about e) with f) for 2) We've missed the exit to Pikeville. I'm certain _____ it. a) on b) with/of c) in d) for e) about/of f) to 3) The train was more expensive but had the advantage ______ being very comfortable. a) at b) of c) about d) with e) for f) in 4) She asked ______ a quiet room on the East wing of the hotel. a) to b) of c) for d) about e) on f) in 5) I was completaly unware _______ how beautiful our city is. I guess I just took it for granted. a) against b) with c) about d) of e) to f) for 6) My trust _______ your ability to plan a vacation hasn't been the same since the great skiing fiasco last year. a) on b) to c) about d) for e) at f) in 7) We still haven't decided ______ our vacation plans a) in b) for c) to d) about e) on f) at 8) Everyone was surprised ______ the prices of food every time we ate out. a) by b) at c) for d) on e) in f) with 9) Sarah has a talent ________ picking great vacation spots. a) in b) to c) at d) for e) about f) on


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