1) My sister watches Cartoons all the time. How often is it? a) usually b) sometimes c) always 2) We .... (go) to Spain every summer on holidays. a) gos b) go c) goes 3) I can't sing, I' very bad at singing. How often do I swim? a) never b) sometimes c) rarely 4) My mom ... (cook) great! We ... (love) her food very much! a) cook, loves b) cooks, loves c) cooks, love 5) My friend and I see each other 4 times in the week! How often do we see each other? a) always b) often c) sometimes 6) You ... (sleep) very long and ...(come) to school late every day! a) sleep, come b) sleeps, comes c) sleep, comes 7) My grandpa and grandma often .... (visit) us on Christmas Day. a) visits b) visites c) visit 8) We eat at home 5 days a week, but on Saturdays we can go to a restaurant. How often do we eat at home? a) sometimes b) always c) usually 9) My brother ...(play) football very well! He is in the school football team. a) plays b) play c) playing 10) I go to the cinema 3 times a year. How often do I go to the cinema? a) never b) often c) rarely

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