1) верный друг a) faithful friend b) to get angry c) to fall out d) to lose the temper 2) очень верный друг a) to break up b) best friend c) to lose the temper d) loyal friend 3) настоящий друг a) pen pal b) to argue c) faithful friend d) true friend 4) лучший друг a) best friend b) circle of friends c) to quarrel d) faithful friend 5) друг на всю жизнь a) lifelong friend b) best friend c) to get angry d) acquantance 6) круг друзей a) I'll be there for you b) circle of friends c) to argue d) to quarrel 7) друг по переписке a) pen pal b) loyal friend c) to break up d) acquantance 8) знакомый a) true friend b) acquantance c) best friend d) to make up 9) ругаться a) to fly into a range b) lifelong friend c) to break up d) to quarrel 10) спорить a) pen pal b) to get angry c) to lose patience d) to argue 11) расстаться a) to break up b) pen pal c) true friend d) to invite friends 12) поссориться a) to fall out b) to fly into a range c) best friend d) relationship with friends 13) помириться a) to make up b) pen pal c) to quarrel d) loyal friend 14) отношения с друзьями a) relationship with friends b) I'll be there for you c) to fall out d) to lose the temper 15) пригласить друзей a) to make up b) true friend c) to invite friends d) to fall out 16) разозлиться a) to break up b) to make up c) true friend d) to get angry 17) потерять контроль a) to lose the temper b) best friend c) relationship with friends d) to get angry 18) выйти из себя a) to break up b) to get angry c) to quarrel d) to fly into a range 19) потерять терпение a) to fly into a range b) I'll be there for you c) to break up d) to lose patience 20) быть готовым помочь  a) to argue b) I'll be there for you c) acquantance d) to lose patience


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