1) What are the three different somototypes a) endomorph, midomorph, ectomorph b) endomorph, ectomorph and mesomorph c) morph, endomorph, ectomorph 2) Which actvitiy would bet suit a high jumper a) ectomorph b) endomorph c) mesomorph 3) What somatotype would a 2:6:3 be? a) mesomorph b) ectomorph c) endomorph 4) which is the correct definition for a endomorph a) wide hipe, narrow shoulders and characterised by fatness b) wide shoulders, narrow hips characterised by muscularity c) narrow shoulders, narrow waist and characterised by thiness 5) Which factors affect optimum weight a) the amount you eat b) height, gender, bone structure, genetics and muscle girth c) the activity you take part in? 6) Why might optimum weight change for diffferent sports a) the requiements of the sport suit individual differences b) the time of dya they take place at c) the environment they are played in 7) A term used to describe people who are very overfat a) Over weight b) Obesity c) Over fat d) Underweight 8) Why are drugs banned in sport? a) they give the performer an unfair advantage b) they are illegal c) they are against the ethics of the sport d) they make it a more even playing field 9) What drug might a body builder take? a) narcotics analgesics b) steriods c) beta blocker d) Peptide hormones (EPO) 10) Whatare possible side effects of taking diuretics a) dehydrations b) blood clots c) depression d) increase in muscle size 11) Which three ways can minimize risk a) not taking part b) warming up / cooling down c) checking equipment and facilities d) Protective equipment & clothing e) only playing in Sundays 12) How might a cricketer reduce the chance of injury? a) wearing protectice equipment b) playing in a suitable team/ game c) being careful d) taking part in a warm up 13) Weight catergories, handicap systems, gender spliting and age groups are all allow for ....... a) a good game b) balanced competition c) an even game 14) What is the purpose of the Cardiovascular System? a) to supply the body with oxygen and nutrients b) reduce the risk of injury c) to remove waste products d) to protect the vital organs 15) What hormone causes the heart rate to increase? a) serotonin b) adrenaline c) testosterone 16) What is a normal resting heart rate? a) 60-80 bpm b) 80-100 bpm c) 40-60 bpm d) 100-120 bpm 17) The force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of the blood vessels is....... a) heart rate b) breathing rate c) blood pressure d) recovery rate 18) How can you reduce your blood pressure? a) take part in less physical activity b) maintain a healthy weight c) limit alcohol consumption d) reduce stressfull situations e) wear red clothing f) eat less fruit and vegtables 19) what are the IMMEDIATE effects of exercise? a) resting heart rate reduces b) body temperature rises c) sweating increases d) breathing becomes faster and deeper e) muscle begin to ache & lactic acid levels rise f) blood pressure reduces 20) What are the long term effects of exercise on the Cardiovascular system? a) stroke volume reduces b) reduced blood pressure c) reduced resting heart rate d) cardiac output reduces e) recovery heart rate is higher f) Stroke volume increases 21) What is Cardiac Output? a) working heart rate X age b) heart rate X stroke volume c) stroke volume X blood pressure d) 220 - Age 22) Why do we need time to recover? a) time to repay the Oxygen Debt b) increase heart rate c) so we are not bored d) reduces the chance of injury e) allows the body to repair and recover 23) Which factors would increase the amount of High Density Cholestorol (HDL) a) a diet high in fruits and vegtables b) a diet high in animal fats c) recreational drugs d) regular exercise e) stress 24) Which factors would increase the amount of Low Density Cholestorol (LDL) a) stress b) a diet high in animal fats c) regular exercise d) a diet high in fruits and vegtables 25) Which term best describes Cardiac Output (CO)? a) the amount of times your heart beats per minute b) the amount of blood leaving your heart per minute c) the amount of blood leaving your heart per beat d) the amount of blood leaving your heart per breath 26) What are the functions of the respiratory system? a) provide the working muscles with oxygen b) remove carbon dioxide from the body c) maintain body temparture d) bring oxygen into the body 27) What are immediate effects on the respiratory system? a) breathig rate quickens and deepens b) heart rate increases c) the body experiences an oxygen debt d) blood pressure reduces 28) the extra amount of oxygen consumed during the recovery from strenuous activity compared with the amount of which would normally have been consumed at rest - is what? a) a responce to aerobic activty b) oxygen debt c) blood shunting 29) What are the long term effects of exercise on the respiratory system? a) long capacity increases b) resting heart rate reduces c) increased vital capacity d) the efficiency of breathing increases e) the oxygen debt decreases 30) What is tidal volume? a) the amount of blood pumped per beat b) the amount of air inspired and expired with each normal breath at rest or during exercise c) the greatest amount of air that can be made to pass out of your lungs d) Stroke volume X heart rate 31) Muscles work in......... a) groups of friends b) agonistic pairs c) antagonistic pairs d) pairs 32) Which muscle works in an antagonistic pair with the hamstring? a) tricep b) bicep c) Quadricep d) gastrocnemius e) gluteals f) latissimus dorsi 33) What movement at the knee is caused by the hamstring contracting? a) adduction b) extension c) flexion d) abduction e) rotation 34) What type of muscle contraction causes movement? a) isometric b) flexion c) isotonic d) dynamic 35) What is an immediate effect of exercise on the muscular system? a) reduction in the production of carbon dioxide b) increased production of lactic acid c) increase in temperature d) demand for oxygen increases 36) What can muscle not do? a) pull b) push c) tire d) increase in size (hypertrophy) e) suffer injury 37) What is a long term effect of exercise on the muscular system? a) hypertrophy b) increase in effciency c) increase in temperature d) reduction in resting heart rate 38) How can you treat a soft tissue injury (muscle, tendon, ligament)? a) increase your training b) RICE c) massage d) warm water 39) When kicking a ball what muscular movements are happening? a) flexion at the knee caused by the hamstring b) extension at the knee caused by the quadriceps c) rotation at the knee to direct the ball 40) Which muscle adducts the arm at the shoulder a) bicep b) deltoid c) tricep d) pectorals e) latissimus dorsi 41) What is the fucntion of the Skeletal system? a) protect the vital organs b) create oxygen c) support the body d) exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide e) reduce the body temperature f) allow for movement 42) What type of movement is happening on the upward phase? a) extenstion at the elbow caused by the tricep b) flextion at the elbow caused by the bicep isometrically contracting c) adduction at the elbow caused by the deltoid d) flexion caused by the bicep isotonically contracting 43) What type of joint allows only flexion and extension? a) gliding b) hinge c) pivot d) ball and socket 44) Where can you find a pivot joint? a) axis and atlas bones b) humerus, radius and ulna c) femur and pelvis d) femur, tibia and fibula 45) What effect will regular exercise have on your skeletal system? a) increase blood flow b) increase in bone density c) reduced risk of osteoporosis d) reduced heart rate 46) Which injuries can occur to bones a) Fractures b) strain c) stress fractures d) sprain e) tear 47) When a bone or bones are forced out of a normal postion in a joint - is what........ a) tear b) dislocation c) sprain d) concussion e) fracture 48) What does RICE stand for? a) rest, incubate, clean and elevate b) rest, ice, compression and elevation c) rest, ice, clean and elevate 49) In which ways can we strengthen bones? a) drinking plenty of water b) regular weight bearing exercise c) a diet high in calcium and protein d) smoking e) each lots of fatty meats


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