1) Tom ... computer games every day. a) doesn't play b) isn't playing 2) What ... this morning? a) do you do b) are you doing 3) We ... our cousin today. We're at home. a) don't visit b) aren't visiting 4) ... at the park now? a) Do you skateboard b) Are you skateboarding 5) I ... this film. Let's watch something else! a) hate b) am hating 6) Sara ... shopping in town. It's expensive! a) doesn't often go b) isn't often going 7) I ... the teacher's question. a) don't understand b) 'm not understanding 8) My grandparents ... to the radio in the evening. a) sometimes listen b) are sometimes listening 9) Erica ... hesr homework today. a) doesn't do b) isn't doing 10) Where ... this morning? a) does Rob go b) is Rob going 11) Harry ... the way to the town centre from here. a) doesn't know b) isn't knowing 12) Jack ... to leave now. It's nearly time for school. a) needs b) is needing 13) ... her favourite T-shirt today? a) Does Samantha wear b) Is Samantha wearing 14) My parents ... to work now. They're still at home. a) don't drive b) aren't driving 15) Gary and Jake ... swimming every Saturday. a) go b) are going


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