Three things you shouldn't do before to go to bed., Two things you have to do after class., Two things you must do before to catch a plane, Three things you don't have to do when you're on vacation., Two things you shouldn't do the night before an exam., Things you don't have to do if you shop online, Things you must do and things you must not do when you're driving, Four things you should thing about before you buy a new cellphone., One thing yiu had to do in your school ast year that you found it very difficult., Five things you have to do if you want to live and work in an other country, Important things you should find out about (know) a country before you visit it., Six thing you shouldn't do when you break up with your partner, Things that a teacher has to do before class, Three things you should consider if you've invited friends to have dinner., Things that a good student has to do to improve his/her skills., Things you should do and shouldn't do on your first date..

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