1) What is the first period of history? a) Paleolithic b) Neolithic c) Bronze and iron ages d) Prehistory e) Middle ages f) Modern age 2) Which characteristic is not in the Paleolithic? a) They were nomadics b) They cultivated crops. c) They hunted and they fished. d) They painted on the cave walls. e) They made tools from wood, stone and animal bones 3) When was the discovery of America? a) 1789 AD b) 476 AD c) 1492 d) 1808 4) Which of these years belong to the 17th Century? a) 645 b) 1624 c) 1699 d) 610 5) Where can you see cave paintings from Paleolithic? a) In Sierra de Atapuerca b) In Altamira cave c) In Sierra de Atapuerca and Altamira cave d) In Ávila. e) In the National Archaeologicall Museum in Madrid f) In Barcelona 6) When was fire discovered? a) In paleolithic b) In Neolithic c) In Middle Ages 7) Neolithic people discovered.... a) fire b) agriculture c) caves d) wheel 8) Which of these words belong to the Neolithic period? a) trade b) nomadic c) sedentary d) villages e) farmers f) artisans 9) Which is the order of metals they used? a) bronze, iron, copper b) copper, iron, bronze c) copper, bronze, iron 10) When was the wheel invented? a) In Neolithic b) In Paleolithic c) In Bronze and Iron Ages 11) In which periods did they live in villages? a) In Bronze and Iron Ages b) In Bronze and Iron Ages and Neolithic c) In Bronze and Iron Ages and Paleolithic 12) Who lived in the Iberian Peninsula in the Bronze and Iron Ages? a) Celts (South) and Iberians (North) b) Celts (north and east) c) Iberians (south and centre) d) Celts (North and centre) and Iberians (South and East)

Social Science unit 1


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