1) Look! Mell ... to music. a) listens b) is listening 2) Mell ... to music every day. a) listens b) is listening 3) Kate ... a shower now. a) has b) is having 4) Kate ... a shower in the morning. a) has b) is having 5) Mike ... books every evening. a) reads b) is reading 6) Mike ... a book now. a) reads b) is reading 7) I ... cartoons now. a) watch b) am watching 8) I ... cartoons on Sunday. a) watch b) am watching 9) They ... soccer now. a) play b) are playing 10) They ... soccer every Friday. a) play b) are playing 11) Billy ... milk in the morning. a) drinks b) is drinking 12) Billy ... milk now. a) drink b) is drinking

Spotlight 4 Present Simple/Present Continuous


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