1) This Saturday, they (eat) _____ stew in the restaurant. They've been planning it for weeks. a) will eat b) are going to eat c) will eats d) is going to eat 2) I (wear) _____ blue shoes tonight. a) am going to wear b) will wears c) is going to wear d) will not wear 3) We ____ you next week. We have other plans. a) won't help b) will not help c) is not going to help d) are not going to help 4) People (travel) ________________ in spaceships in twenty years. a) will travel b) is going to travels c) are going to travel d) likes to travel 5) Jack _____ home after school. His dad said he would pick him up. a) is do not will walk b) will not walk c) is not going to walk d) will walk 6) I _____ my holiday abroad this year. I don't have enough money. a) am not going to spend b) will spend c) don't like to spend d) is going to spend 7) I think you _____ a lot of money from your inheritance. a) will not earn b) are going to earn c) will earn d) will earns 8) I think they _____ any problems. a) will be have b) won't have c) are not going to have d) will have 9) He _____ probably _______lots of interesting people at university. a) always meet b) is going to meet c) will not meet d) will meet

Will vs. Present progressive for the future (Predictions vs Plans)


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