He _____ a very famous singer - was, They _____ famous in the 60s - became, She _____ singing when she was a teenager - began, They ____ the window while playing football - broke, She ____ her boyfriend to the party - brought, This house was _______ in 1999 - built, I ____ a burguer on Burguer King last night for dinner - bought, When I was 6, I _____ run very fast. I'm quite slow now. - could, They ____ a cold after swimming in winter - caught, I _____ this gift specially for you - chose, They ___ over yesterday. We had lunch together - came, This t-shirt _____ $150 last year - cost, She ___ her finger while cooking last night - cut, ____ you do your homework? - did, My son ____ this picture one year ago - drew, I _____ with my grandparents last night - dreamt, I think the last time I _____ wine was at your birthday party last summer - drank, When I was a teenager, my parents _____ a white car - drove, I'd prefer pasta. I _____ pizza last night - ate,

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