Bond - A certificate that promises to repay money loaned, plus interest, on a certain date, Cabinet - The group of officials who head government departments and advise the President, Democratic Republicans - A member of the political party founded by Thomas Jefferson, Faction - A party, or an opposing group within a party, Federalist - A supporter of a strong federal government, Inauguration - A ceremony in which the President publicly takes the oath of office, Judicial Review - The power of the Supreme Court to decide whether the acts of a President ot laws passed by Congress are constitutional, Laissez Faire - hat idea that government should play as small a role as possible in economic affairs, Neutral - Not taking sides in a conflict, Nullify - To cancel, Precedent - An act or decision that sets an example for others to follow, Sedition - The act of stirring up rebellion against a government, Speculator - Someone who invests in a risky venture in the hope of making a large profit, States’ Rights - The rights and powers independent of the federal government that are reserved for the states by the Constitution, Tariff - A tax on foreign goods, brought into a country, Tribute - A payment by a weaker party to a stronger party in return for protection, Unconstitutional - Not permitted by the Constitution,


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