Bay - Dent or curve in the coastline., Cape - A piece of high land that goes into the sea., Mountain range - A group or line of mountains., Mountain peak - The highest point of a mountain., Hill - A high area that is not as large as a mountain., Valley - A low area between hills or mountains., Homestead - A group of households where families live permanently., Headman - The man in charge of a homestead., Household - Where a wife lived with her children., Village - Made up of many homesteads., Subsistence - Having enough for yourself or your family to live on., Healers - People who find out what the illness is and help the sick to get better., Herbalist - A person who uses plant medicine to cure illnesses., Heavy tasks such as clearing fields were done by - Men., All the cooking was done by the - Women., Northpole - The pole on the northmost point on Earth., Southpole - The pole on the southernmost point on Earth., Equator - The imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.,

Social Sciences Class Quiz 2


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