He ate his breakfast ____ so he could catch his train on time. They held the newborn baby ____, making sure not to wake it up. She was ____ happy to see her old friend after a long time. He walked ____ down the hallway so he wouldn't disturb his sleeping roommate. They drove ____ through the winding mountain road to enjoy the beautiful countryside. She was ____ woken up by a loud noise outside her window. He ____ found his lost wallet on the pavement. They ____ missed their flight because their car broke down on the way to the airport. She ____ called the police when she saw someone breaking into her neighbour's house. She speaks Portuguese ____ now after years of studying it. He ran ____ to catch the last train of the night. They arrived ____ to the party due to heavy traffic. She worked ____ to complete her homework before the class. He fell ____ asleep after a long day at work. They played ____ She sang ____ during the talent show and won first prize!

Complete the sentences with the missing adverb.


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