1) She ________ with her stepmother. Now she lives with her husband. a) use to live b) used to live c) live d) didn't use to live 2) She _______ in a big palace.  a) didn't used to live b) doesn't use to live c) didn't use to live d) not used to live 3) She _______ the floor every day. Now her servants do it. a) used to mop b) use to mop c) didn't used to mop d) mops 4) She _______ only 1 dress. Now she has 1000 dresses.  a) use to have b) has c) used have d) used to have 5) _______ a lot? Yeah! All her dreams came true! a) Did she used to dream b) Used she to dream c) Used to she dream d) Did she use to dream 6) She _______ her life. Now she's happy! a) did not use to like b) didn't used like c) usedn't to d) didn't used to like 7) _______ poor? Yeah. Now she's rich. a) She used to be b) Did she use to be c) Did she used to be d) Did she use be 8) __________ have a pet when you were a child? a) You used to b) Did you use to c) You didn't use to 9) ________ play the guitar, but I do now. a) I didn't use to b) Did I use to c) I used to


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