1) Smoking kills millions of people every year. 2) This book was written by Jane Austin. 3) A new jet plane will be designed by Airbus. 4) I was told (by my boss) not to come in today. 5) People didn’t use credit cards much 30 years ago. 6) The Chinese invented gunpowder. 7) They will ask you many questions at the job interview. 8) I think Picasso painted some of the most expensive paintings ever. 9) Many consider U2 the most successful band ever. 10) Factories dump millions of litres of wastewater into rivers and oceans every day. 11) People speak English here. 12) The police arrested five criminals at the airport yesterday. 13) I hope they will find a cure for AIDS soon. 14) Many consider the iPhone to be the best phone ever. 15) Lifeguards warned us not to swim in that area. 16) They fired 300 people last year. 17) They cut down thousands of trees every day. 18) They’re going to build another dam next year.

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