1) Boyle’s Law states that gas pressure and gas volume are inversely proportional. If pressure goes up, then volume goes _____. a) up b) down c) left d) right 2) Charles’ Law states that a gas volume at constant pressure is directly proportional to its temperature. If the temperature increases, then the volume of the gas _____. a) increases b) decreases c) doesn't change d) is destroyed 3) If the pressure of a gas decreases, then the volume will increase. This is an example of _____. a) Charles' Law b) Murphy's Law c) Newton's Law d) Boyle's Law 4) Under constant pressure, if a gas’s temperature increases, its volume increases. This is an example of _____. a) Charles' Law b) Murphy's Law c) Newton's Law d) Boyle's Law 5) Particle motion is related to _____. a) volume b) shape c) temperature d) mass 6) Particles in solids _____. a) vibrate b) slide c) move fast d) don't move 7) Particles in liquids _____ past one another. a) vibrate b) slide c) move fast d) don't move 8) Particles in a gas move _____ and bump into each other. a) vibrating b) sliding c) fast d) not at all 9) Solids have a _____ shape and volume. a) changing b) square c) large d) fixed 10) Liquids have a fixed volume but take the _____ of their container. a) volume b) shape c) density d) gravity 11) _____ take the shape and volume of their container. a) liquids b) solids c) gasses d) plasma 12) Identify the state of matter. a) solid b) liquid c) gas d) plasma 13) Identify the state of matter. a) solid b) liquid c) gas d) plasma 14) Identify the state of matter. a) solid b) liquid c) gas d) plasma 15) _____ is when particles move from an area of high concentration to low concentration. a) diffusion b) osmosis c) active transport d) homeostasis 16) _____ is diffusion of water. a) diffusion b) osmosis c) homeostasis d) density 17) Particles move from _____ concentration during diffusion because they hit each other and spread out. a) medium to high b) left to right c) low to high d) high to low 18) Diffusion and osmosis are forms of _____ transport because they don’t require energy to be added. a) active b) passive c) homeostasis d) gravity 19) _____ transport requires energy. a) gravity b) homeostasis c) active d) passive 20) Active and passive transport occur across the _____. a) mitochondrial membrane b) ribosomal membrane c) nuclear membrane d) cell membrane 21) Because the cell membrane controls what crosses into and out of the cell, it often performs _____. a) osmosis b) diffusion c) homeostasis d) stimulus 22) Homeostasis is how organisms respond to change in order to keep important systems _____. a) changing b) the same c) isotonic d) hypertonic 23) Changes to the environment a cell membrane might encounter are called _____. a) stimulus b) responses c) hypotonic d) hypertonic 24) A stimulus will cause a homeostasis _____. a) transport b) flow c) response d) decrease 25) If a cell is placed in hypertonic solution, there will be a net flow of water _____ the cell, and the cell will lose volume. a) out of b) into c) beside d) around 26) If a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, there will be a net flow _____ the cell, and the cell will gain volume. a) out of b) into c) beside d) around 27) If a cell is placed in an _____ solution, there will be no net flow in or out of the cell, and the cell’s volume will remain stable. a) isotonic b) hypertonic c) hypotonic d) isertonic

Diffusion, Transport, and Pressure


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