1) what is blood pressure? a) the force of blood against the walls of the arteries  b) the amount of blood in body. c) the speed at which blood flows through the veins d) the number of red blood cells in the body 2) what is considered a normal blood pressure reading? a) 120/80mmHg b) 140/90mmHg c) 160/100mmHg d) 180/110mm Hg 3) which of the following factors can affect blood pressure? a) age b) gender c) weight d) all of the above 4) what is diastolic blood pressure? a) representing the pressure when heart beats and pumps out blood b) representing the pressure when the heart is rest between beats c) A measure of how fast blood is flowing through the veins d) A measure of how much oxygen is being carried by red blood cells 5) what are some common symptoms of high blood pressure? a) Headaches b) Dizziness c) blurred vision d) all of the above


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