entertainment - 娱乐, humorous - 幽默, ridiculous - 荒谬的, slithered - 滑行的, narrative - 叙述, a rhyme - 韵律, a rhythm - 节奏, stanza - 节, to rough it - 野外生存, barely - 勉强, yawned - 打哈欠, to creep - 蹑手蹑脚地走, slimy - 黏滑的, crawled - 爬行, creature - 生物, to stomp - 重踩, to blush - 脸红, bubble gum - 泡泡糖, to chew - 咀嚼, inflated - 充气的,

G3 Unit 6 Week 5 - The Camping Trip


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