badly - in a severe and harmful way, extra - dramatic, attention-grabbing, too much, politely - in a polite way, drip - stylish, sophisticated clothes or appearance, cheesy - cheap, unpleasant, or blatantly inauthentic, village - a very small town in the countryside, salty - to overreact, legit - to affirm that something is good or worthwhile, basic - an insult that means something or someone is boring or uncool, straight - immediately, loudly - making a lot of noise, binge - a short period when you do too much of something,, well - in a good way, to a high or satisfactory standard, avoid - to prevent something bad from happening, content - happy and satisfied, shook - stunned, shocked, calm - relaxed and quiet, not angry, nervous, or upset, hard - with a lot of physical or mental effort, exactly - used when you are giving or asking for information that is completely correct, positive - hopeful and confident, and think about what is good in a situation rather than what is bad,


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