Silver  is .............. gold. ( cheap), Ice is ................. water. (heavy) , Which is ................... room in your house? (hot), My dog is ...................... in the world. (nice), The seahorse is .....................  fish. (slow), A wild cat is ................ and .................. a domestic cat. ( big / fast), The colibri is ....................... bird in the world. (small), Is Chinese ................... English? (easy), Who is ................. person in your family? (old), Who is your ............... friend ( good)?, Are you ................. your teacher? (young), In these glasses I see people and things .................. I  did without them. (good), This is .................. day in my life. (bad), Joseph is .................. runner I knew. (fast), The dolphin is .................... animal in the world. (intelligent), I speak English ................. my sister. (bad), In my opinion a dog is ................. a cat. (good), A parrot is ................ an iguana. (beautiful), A bird was ...............a mouse and ................. a cat. (big/small), A goldfish is ................. a hamster, so I can keep it at home. ( clean), My brother thinks dogs are ................. cats. (friendly), ................. spider in the earth can eat birds. (big), A parrot is ...................... a canary. (smart), The cheetah is ................... in the world. (fast), This was .................. book I have ever read. (bad).

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