кормить (the 3rd form) - FED, трясти (the 2nd form)  - SHOOK, воровать (the 2nd form)  - STOLE, светить, зажигать (the 3rd form)  - LIT, портить, испортить (the 2nd and 3rd form)  - SPOILT / SPOILT, драться, сражаться (the 2nd form)  - FOUGHT, приносить (the 3rd form)  - BROUGHT, ловить (the 2nd form)  - CAUGHT, начинать (the 1st and 3rd form)  - BEGIN / BEGUN, чувствовать (the 2nd and 3rd form)  - FELT / FELT , слышать (the 3rd form)  - HEARD, приходить, приезжать (the 1st form)  - COME, платить (the 3rd form)  - PAID, спать (the 2nd form)  - SLEPT, брать (the 3rd form)  - TAKEN,


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