annotate - To underline or highlight key points of a document or to write, complimentary closing - The closing remark of a business letter found two lines below the last line of the body of the letter., full-block letter style - A letter format in which all lines begin flush left; also called block style., invoice - A listing of products or services rendered that is used when billing for that product or service., modified-block letter style - A letter format similar to full-block style, except that the dateline, complimentary closing, signature block, and notations are aligned and begin at the center of the page or slightly to the right of center., salutation - A written greeting, such as “Dear,” used at the beginning of a letter., signature block - The writer’s name and business title found four lines below the complimentary closing in a business letter., simplified letter style - A modification of the full-block style in which the salutation and complimentary closing are omitted and a subject line typed in all capital letters is placed between the address and the body of the letter., statement - Similar to an invoice; a summary of total amounts owed, including outstanding charges as well as payments received for services provided by the office., subject line - Optional line of two to three words that appears three lines below the inside address of a business letter.,

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