Pre-transfusion: Draw type and screen for compatibility, Examine blood product for contamination or discoloration, Check expiration date, Obtain baseline vital signs, Obtain consent for transfusion, Establish an IV or assess existing one, Administer in ordered pre-medication, Verify orders, patient ID, labwork and blood product with another RN, During transfusion: Assess for transfusion reaction for 15 minutes, Obtain frequent vital signs, Use 0.9% Saline IV with transfusion, Provide patient education on how to recognize a reaction, Infuse PRBCs for about 4 hours, Infuse plasma or platelets for 30 minutes, Infuse product slowly for about 2ml/min, Post-transfusion: Obtain the last set of vital signs, Execute in post-transfusion orders, Do final assessment for transfusion reactions, Document completion and patient's response to transfusion, Flush IV per institution policies,

Blood Transfusions


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