Why are you studying English? How often do you practice your skills?, What does your best friend do every day? What is s/he probably doing now?, Do you generally prefer to use a pencil or pen? What are you using today?, What time do you start work? Where are you working these days?, What things do you never do at work? What things do you always do at work?, What do you do in your free time? What are you doing this weekend?, Think of one person in your family. What’s s/he doing now? What does s/he do?, What music (songs, singers, music bands) are you listening to these days? How often do they release new music?, Do you know anybody who is at university? What are they studying?, What is the leader of your country doing right now? What kinds of things do they always promise to do?, What language are you speaking now? What language do you speak at home? At work?, What are you wearing? What do you usually wear in this kind of weather?.

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