1) Would you like ___ rice with your chicken? a) a few b) some 2) I mustn't eat ____ chocolate - it's bad for me. a) too many b) too much 3) People who eat ____ salt can suffer from high blood pressure. a) too much b) too many 4) I drink ____ coffee; If I drink ____ I can't sleep. a) hardly any/too many b) a few/too much c) hardly any/too much d) a few/too many 5) I buy very ___ eggs as I keep chickens, so I have new-laid eggs. a) few b) little 6) I eat _____ meat - I prefer veggies. a) hardly any b) a few 7) There is always ____ news about food scares these days. a) many b) a lot of 8) There are ___ fantastic desserts at that new restaurant. a) lots of b) much


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