1) I have ..... coins at home a) some b) any c) many 2) Paula hasn't got ...... free time a) a lot of b) some c) much 3) There are ..... interesting apps to buy bitcoins a) a lot of b) any c) many 4) I´ve got .......... lazy students a) any b) some c) many 5) There aren't .......... savings in my bank account a) a lot of b) many c) some 6) There isn't .......... cash in my wallet a) some b) many c) much 7) My school has got .............. sports a) many b) much c) a lot of 8) There aren´t .......... good handball players in my school a) much b) a c) many 9) We have ............. ideas for Semana Estudiantil a) many b) some c) any 10) We don't have ............. money to spend a) much b) some c) a lot of


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